William Schlosser

Instructor, Emergency Management & Homeland Security

  • was11@jalsstyles.net
  • 570.320.2400 ext. 7737
  • ACC, Rm.201E
William Schlosser


  • M.S. Emergency and Disaster Management, American Military University
  • B.S. Music Education, Mansfield University

Active Work

  • Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC), Borough of Mansfield and Southern Tioga School District (STSD). In these positions Instructor Schlosser is responsible for the entire emergency management cycle which includes mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery for these organizations. As the EMC for the STSD, he also served as the lead response coordinator for COVID 19. 
  • Incident Commander in the Civil Air Patrol (CAP), the United States Air Force Auxiliary. In this capacity, Instructor Schlosser is responsible for the response efforts of CAP in large, multi-state, or complex operations. 
  • On a local level, Instructor Schlosser is currently working on major flood mitigation efforts to address historic flooding in Tioga County, Pennsylvania. 

Previous Work Experience

Major operations included:

  • Operation Looking Glass: a three-month long disaster imaging mission following Superstorm Sandy and was the largest mission the CAP has undertaken to date. 
  • Operation Cross-tell: all components of the nation's air defense system were brought together to better understand operational capacity from detection through resolution. 

Prior to his emergency management experience, Instructor Schlosser served as a band director in the Southern Tioga School District for 13 years and as an Assistant Principal for four years.