MTH Mathematics Elective

Skill areas: analysis of numerical problems and selection of appropriate methods of solution, comprehension of ordered systems of reasoning, application of statistical methodology to groups of data, evaluation of alternative solutions, demonstration of systematic planning skills, and application of time management skills

  • MTH113 - Business Mathematics
  • MTH123 - Technical Algebra & Trigonometry I
  • MTH125 - Technical Algebra & Trigonometry II
  • MTH151 - Structures of Mathematics
  • MTH153 - Topics in Mathematics
  • MTH157 - Business Statistics
  • MTH172 - Introduction to Geometry
  • MTH181 - College Algebra & Trigonometry I
  • MTH183 - College Algebra & Trigonometry II
  • MTH191 - Pre-Calculus
  • MTH210 - Statistical Methods with Computer Applications
  • MTH230 - Applied Calculus
  • MTH240 - Calculus I
  • MTH242 - Calculus II
  • MTH252 - Discrete Mathematics
  • MTH255 - Linear Algebra
  • MTH340 - Calculus III
  • MTH346 - Ordinary Differential Equations