Individual Studies

Associate of Applied Science Degree (A.A.S.)
Individual Studies student

About this program

有时候,你找不到符合你职业抱负的完美专业. And that’s’ OK. 设有100多个专业,并设有专业配套课程, 美高梅棋牌娱乐能够把这些点联系起来,创造一条个性化的道路,就像你的目标一样独特.

Next steps...

You're on your way to becoming a tomorrow maker.

Flexible Curriculum


Credit Concentration

Easily Transfer from Any Penn College Program


Technology & Society

This course analyzes of the interaction of society, culture, 和技术,同时强调工业转型和评估对艺术的影响, ideology, popular culture, and social structure.

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美高梅MGM娱乐美高梅棋牌娱乐相信你的教育经历应该超越专业技能. Real-world ready 意味着采取更广泛的方法来培养沟通技巧, inspires collaboration, and encourages exploration of arts, history, and science.

专业化需要深入的知识和高水平的熟练程度. Students learn and apply major-specific concepts, skills, and methods.

  • Individual Studies Discipline Elective (ISE)

透视图是观点,提供了多种理解、交互和分析的方式 influencing the world. 学生识别、解释和利用美高梅棋牌娱乐和教师使用的方法 研究、分析或理解问题并提供解决方案的专业人士.

  • Science Elective (SCI)
  • Core Arts Perspective (ARP) or
  • Core Applied Arts Perspective (AAP) or
  • Core Social Science Perspective (SSP) or
  • Core Historical Perspective (HIP) or
  • Core Global & Cultural Diversity Perspective (CDP)

基础是实践、智力和社交技能; communication, 协作,批判性和伦理思维,定量思维和技术素养 这对每个学生在每个教育阶段和每个人生阶段都是至关重要的.

  • English Composition I (ENL111)
  • Information, Technology & Society (CSC124)
  • English Composition II (ENL121) or
  • Technical & Professional Communication (ENL201) or
  • Speech Elective (SPC)
  • Mathematics Elective (MTH)
The Dr. Welch Workshop: A Makerspace at Penn College

The Dr. Welch Workshop: A Makerspace at Penn College

Take hands-on learning to the next level. Explore your creativity. Collaborate with others. Bring your ideas to light. Tomorrow is in the making. 创客空间是一个您可以与学生合作的工作室, faculty, and staff, or work independently to test theories, explore ideas, and gain real-world skills to power your career.

Check it out

Student Life

Lead and put your skills to the test

Student Government Association (SGA)

Student Government Association (SGA)

Let your voice be heard! 参加下次会议,了解最新消息,或者考虑竞选参议员席位. 

Student Organizations at Penn College

Student Organizations at Penn College

Your college experience is about more than the classroom. 加入65+俱乐部和组织之一,或创建自己的.

Career Services
Support throughout your journey

Support throughout your journey

职业服务提供了大量的支持服务来帮助你磨练你的激情. Unsure which major best aligns with your goals? 通过在线职业评估,你可以探索你的兴趣,看看它们会带来什么. Then discuss test results with our professional staff. 从选择专业到找到理想的工作,职业服务中心将全程支持你.

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Penn College News

April 15 service to honor sociology faculty member

4月15日(星期六)将为道格拉斯. 雪莉是美高梅MGM娱乐的兼职社会学讲师,于12月6日去世. 29 at the age of 57. Among the survivors is his wife, Laura M. Dickinson, an associate professor of English-composition.



美高梅棋牌娱乐的一位教授担任《美高梅MGM娱乐》考试的主要阅卷人. As chief reader, Craig A.


Students earn Innovation Engineer Blue Belt credential

27名美高梅棋牌娱乐的学生在成功完成了学院创新原理课程的所有模块后,获得了创新工程蓝带认证. The course teaches the fundamentals of innovation, emphasizing critical thinking, problem-solving and stimuli for effective innovation.

Gain global experience
Study Abroad

Gain global experience

See the world via Williamsport. 把你的教育带到国外,获得在全球范围内了解你的行业的实践经验.

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Your knowledge in practice

Internships are key for career preparation. 将你的专业知识运用到工作中,第一手了解这个行业.

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More Information

个人学习的学生根据他们的个人目标选择课程. 顾问协助学生进行课程选择和课程排序,以符合学生的目标,并为学生提供与其指定领域相关的技能和知识.

学生在注册其他课程时成功完成的课程,如果满足指定的基础要求,将自动转移, Perspectives, and other electives. 所有其他课程将被评估,以确定他们是否适合学生的目标.

View general transfer information

个人研究是学院提供的最灵活的专业. 专为学生的目标,没有达到任何其他课程, 个人研究为学生提供了一次探索多个职业领域的机会,或者只是按照个人丰富的计划,同时获得学位或升级与工作相关的技能和知识. 个别研究学位有时被学生用作预科专业, 尤其是对文科和理科感兴趣的学生.

替代学分是指通过完成传统大学课程以外的其他方式获得的学分, including: credit by exam, articulation, proof of competency gained in high school, work/life experience, and advanced placement.

Visit the Alternative Credit Options美高梅棋牌娱乐的课程目录的一般要求和程序,并通过大学先修学分的信息页.

  • Career Fair Connections

    Career Fair Connections

    Penn College graduates are in high demand. Employer participation at the Career Fair is proof. Attracting 400+ organizations, 这个受欢迎的活动每年举办两次,向学生介绍各种类型的企业,从初创公司到财富500强公司. 

    Learn More About Career Fair